How can I contact Filecamp Support?
We provide unlimited support via e-mail for our paying customers, but with customers in more than 60 countries, competent phone support and one2one demos would add significantly to the price that we’d have to charge for our services.
We prefer to use email to provide high-quality support directly from our team. With many businesses big and small using Filecamp, we also find it’s the best way to ensure all inquiries are given equal treatment. We do our best to respond to every email within just a few hours of receiving it.
We understand that email is not some people’s preferred way of receiving support. We’ve built a Support Area with resources, guides, tips, and answers to most common questions about using Filecamp. We’ve yet to encounter an issue that couldn’t be resolved through our Support Area FAQ, or via email.
Email support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by submitting a request directly on our Contact page.
We find that email is the most efficient way for us to help you because:
- We can instantly view your account, account activity, system details, and other information so we can troubleshoot effectively.
- We frequently ask you to send us screenshots, videos, and links to help us see what you’re seeing. We can also send you screenshots and videos to guide you in the right direction.
- Online support keeps detailed records in one place. This ensures nothing gets lost in translation if we need to escalate your issue. We'll always have access to previous tickets so you won't have to repeat questions.
- We can route complex questions to the appropriate staff member.
- It's faster. We can investigate complex questions without putting you on hold.
In the future, we hope to offer more ways to communicate with the Filecamp team. For now, please feel free to email us, and we’ll gladly respond in a timely manner to make sure you’re having a great time Filecamping!
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Noemí Palmés, Production, Seven Islands Film