With Filecamp, using your existing domain name (e.g., https://files.yourdomain.com) is easy and can be configured in a few minutes (Pro plan only).
Get rid of Filecamp in your URL
When you request a Filecamp Trial, a secure Filecamp sub-domain will be created for your account: https://companyname.filecamp.com.
If you prefer to use your own domain address in the URL instead, you will have to create a corresponding CNAME record, for example:

All Filecamp accounts are securely encrypted using SSL. If you choose to use your own custom domain with your Filecamp, we'll automatically issue and install an SSL certificate specifically for your domain. This is a major operation but is done behind the scenes and there is nothing for you to worry about. Read more.
Only Administrators can edit your Filecamp sub-domain and other DNS settings in your Admin > Domain section.